TKM Back Room
TKM Back Room
Are you a one-person Development team or a larger department that just needs more help (build a pipeline, establish systems, write proposals, write grants)
Would an “Extra Set of Hands” help you increase your Fundraising success?
Team Kat & Mouse was built to offer specialized support through a collective of individuals offering you their expertise in different areas of Fund Development.
AND, now is your chance to “hire” the Team to be your Back Room.
Here’s How it works:
Step 1: Choose the specialty area where you need support (Can be more than 1 area)
Step 2: Set up a time to talk with our team
Receive a custom “ TKM Back Room” proposal designed to fit your needs
Our Experts and Ways they can help:
Meet Sharon
Sharon can help you by:
Creating lists, including contacts for corporate giving. Let’s work together to keep the funnel full.
Research/Discovery/Landscape/Define: Team Kat & Mouse will conduct research and analyze these accounts for your team. We will review their past community engagement, including key contacts and any available articles.
If they are a corporation, we will investigate how they have previously funded or engaged with nonprofits.
We will identify their areas of focus (pillars), determine whether they provide funding through grants (in which case, we will coordinate with Ben), and assess their interest in employee involvement, among other factors.
If it is a community partner or another nonprofit, we will explore how we can best engage with them to create a mutually beneficial relationship.
Once we have defined their goals, we will develop offerings that align with and support our mission, providing options for your team to present.
Partnerships can expand your organization’s influence, broaden your network of "friends," and enhance your credibility . We will work with you to identify and solicit partners and develop a plan to fund these new partnerships
Telling your story Creating Proposals, Letters, and One-Sheets: We will craft materials to effectively present your mission to potential partners and funders.
Email Blasts-We will create targeted messaging for you to share with Donors and potential donors.
Strategy, theme and tactical plan for Q4 Fundraising- We will work (in conjunction with your Marketing Director) to maximize this traditionally philanthropy focused time of year.
Meet Amy Mauser​​
Amy can help you by:
Establishing priorities for stewardship and solicitation - Individual donors have the ability to represent a large portion of your total donor pool. Critical to realizing this potential is to design a plan for identification, cultivation, solicitation, and continued stewardship.
Review Data in your CRM for existing opportunities - this will include a review of current Campaigns, coding, and dashboards to assure effective use of systems;
Create a Major Gift pipeline backed by Donor Research;
Create a flow chart for levels of giving and acknowledgements;
Review existing auto-thank you and other correspondence language; and.
Help you work on a tactical plan for your organization to amplify your message and grow your donor participation.
Meet Ben Chambers​​
Ben Can Help you by:
Review past grant applications, prospects gathered, and existing grantor relationships with an eye toward growth.
Develop an outreach plan with clear timelines and goals to help the organization build a successful, sustainable grant program.
Research grant opportunities for your organization and present a list for collaborative review.
Help you to write and process grants they discover.
Help you to set up Follow-up systems for compliance to follow through on grant delivery.
TKM will assist the team in developing deliverables for grants, which will be executed and tracked by program staff.
TKM will maintain a shared drive so all can update pending grants and be aware of upcoming deadlines.
TKM will take the lead in writing and submitting grant proposals. You will work in a supporting role, editing content and furnishing internal information.
Additional Information:
Due to demand, we only are looking for 2 organizations who’s front-facing fundraisers need more time to MEET WITH DONORS and secure Funding for your mission to add to our “TKM Back Room” roster
Please note: As per Section 496.409 (5) (e), Florida Statutes, professional fundraising consultants will not, at any time, have control or custody of contributions.