Last week Sharon gave us a fantastic look at the importance of multi-channel messaging - and, as a bonus, revealed her plan to hand out hundred-dollar bills to nonprofit organizations in the middle of the night!
Just kidding on the last part. That said, there’s a lot of competition for attention these days, so mixing up your message and where you deliver it is essential. We have to be on every channel, reaching every audience, with the right amount of messages to rise above the noise and stay relevant.
Easy enough, right?
Managing a website, email, and newsletter can be fairly straightforward. Social media, however, is a different animal.
There are so many networks - and so many ways to present our content on those networks - that it can be hard to master the nuance behind them.
We’re going to discuss the different social media platforms we can use, but before we get there, we need to establish the most important rule of them all:
It’s more important to message well on one or two platforms than to message poorly on all of them.
Start where you’re strong - and where you know your audience will engage with your content. Then, as you adapt your message and cultivate the internal capacity, start branching out and sharing your content on more networks.
Not sure where to start? Here are some things to consider when looking at the major social media platforms:
Facebook: This should be the go-to platform for every organization. Its user base skews older than some other networks but is still very heavily used and likely to be a go-to site for your donor base. Try to post updates at least once a week and focus on posts that contain good visuals. Don’t bombard your followers with donation requests, but remember to post about your major events and fundraising campaigns while giving viewers a clear option to give.
Twitter: Yes, I know it’s technically called X now, but I still can’t give up the blue bird. While Facebook is great for visuals and compelling stories, the short character limits here are better suited for short updates. This is a great platform if your organization is engaged in timely issues and advocacy efforts, enabling you to stay relevant to stakeholders and potential supporters.
Instagram: Like Facebook, Instagram should be a high priority. Unlike Facebook, the user base on Instagram is younger and could be willing to share your content far and wide if it’s compelling enough. The catch is that you must have strong visuals to post on Instagram. As a visually-focused platform, any posts that don’t capture the user’s attention will fall by the wayside. Think about Instagram for sharing your best photos and graphic content.
LinkedIn: This is a really tricky one for nonprofits. Every fundraiser should be using LinkedIn to prospect potential donors and make corporate connections. For nonprofits, it’s a place to share updates and stay connected with donors who are deeply engaged in the business world. Your audience will be smaller here than on other networks, but new connections could be very impactful if you play your cards right.
Tik Tok: If LinkedIn is a confusing opportunity, then Tik Tok is downright scary. All content is posted in the form of videos, meaning your team has to have to know how to shoot, edit, and present content that will satisfy their algorithm. Great content will get a lot of attention, but poorly produced content could reflect poorly on your organization. Only explore using Tik Tok if you have a team that is able to master the unique demands of this platform.
The world of social media is vast and confusing, but it shouldn’t stop us from engaging with our donors and stakeholders. Know where your audience is, where you are strongest, and where you can make the best impression.
If you still don’t know where to start, we’re here to help! Drop us a line so we can discuss your social media strategy and how to master your messaging across social media channels.
Read Our Other Blog : How do You Win the Big Grant? Here's Where to Start