In the most recent (2022) edition, Litmus found people spent just nine seconds, on average, looking at an email.
The researchers found that 30% of emails, on average, are looked at for less than two seconds, 41% are looked at for between two and eight seconds, and only 29% are looked at for more than eight seconds.
1-Mississippi, 2-Mississippi…You get the idea.
Some other facts based on Statista.com
An average office worker receives 121 emails per day.
This average number of emails sent and received each day keeps rising. Last year total emails averaged around 281 billion per day. By 2023, we can expect an increase to 347 billion per day.
By 2023, the number of email users worldwide will reach 4.4 billion. That’s an increase of almost 16% from 3.8 billion users last year.
Most people check their email at least once a day. 19% check emails as soon as they hit the inbox.
49% of US employees check their work email every few hours even while off duty.
55.6% of email users read their emails on a mobile device.
A Michigan State University study reveals that the overuse of email hinders leadership ability in managers.
About 14.5 billion spam emails are sent per day.
There are loads of emails and people aren't spending much time on any one single email...
How do you get your message to break through this superstorm of information?
Step 1:Create a SHORT introduction email
Use white space and bullet points to make sure it is easy to read
Be certain why you are writing this email (letter)
-To open the door for an appointment or call?
-To update someone on your mission?
- To describe a particular program or event?
Write a compelling subject line. And keep it short - the receiver can only see about 50 characters or so.
Tailor your greeting to the industry and situation. (Dr, Mrs, Bob)
Don’t start with My Name IS and I am from (PLEASE DON”T)
Instead, start with a powerful opening sentence focused on your mission and its power to help
Use beautiful, descriptive, emotion-provoking words - and regular words too!
Explain why you're reaching out.
Ask for a next step
Include a certain time that you will follow up
If it is a note to a business-
Don’t forget to include a VBR- The Valid Business Reason—What’s in it for them, their employees, their customers, their Company!
If it is a note to individuals-
Make sure you include how THEY can make a difference- Make them the star!
Step 2: Follow-up with a call
Leave Relevant Messages
Never leave a generic voicemail. Always discover something about your prospect – either personally or about their company. Let them know you read something they wrote or that you liked a post on their LinkedIn page or Blog. Your prospects can spot a generic voicemail instantly and delete them even faster. While scripts can make you sound like an aluminum siding salesperson, jotting down the points you want to cover in your message can be helpful.
Tell Them Why You’re Calling- and what’s in it for them
Have you ever received a voicemail where someone just leaves their name and phone number with no reason? I bet you have. Do you respond? I bet you don’t. And always explain how they can be the HERO of the story.
Share your mission in a short and passionate way
Use beautiful, descriptive, emotion-provoking words - and regular words too!
What do you want your prospect to do?
Do you want them to return your call (they rarely do)? Or will you be reaching back around?
Have Some Fun
While you don’t want to appear clownish, displaying a sense of humor is a sign of confidence and authenticity. BE YOU
And in both emails and voicemails-don’t forget the magic words. (oh goodness—I AM turning into my mother)
This may seem very topline—There is so much else to discuss so reach out today to Team Kat & Mouse
Thank you for reading my blog 🙂
Read this Blog also-- Words matter!