Last week, one of our Team Kat & Mouse client partners called to share that he had secured a first meeting with a potential partner and funder. I joined in his celebration and complimented him on his persistence in achieving his goal of meeting with this individual from a large corporation.
Back in my sales days, I had a boss whose favorite question was, “Did you get the order?”
While this question made perfect sense in a transactional business, it was both offensive and discouraging to those of us who spent our time cultivating new business.
Today, very few people in sales or fundraising can succeed by simply renewing the same grants or only engaging with existing donors.
Of course, you must renew and grow existing grants, and you must steward and deepen relationships with current donors. But with government grants diminishing and economic uncertainty all around us, there is no choice but to expand your portfolio of partners, donors, and friends.
Back in 2021, when Team Kat & Mouse was just brand new, I wrote a blog about this very topic: Make new friends, but keep the old. Oh yes, those were turbulent times too.
But today’s blog is about celebrating the steps involved in making new friends.
If you've spent most of your days in new business or donor development, you know how hard it is.
You deal with countless unreturned calls, repeated rejections, and even the occasional hang-up. It’s tough.
As leaders, it's important to celebrate the small but significant steps that lead to success.
Steps like:
Targeting prospects
Identifying key contacts
Securing appointments
Asking the right questions to understand how best to engage a company or individual
I’m not saying you need to buy a cake and balloons—just a handshake, a high five, or a simple congrats will do.

Recognizing each step brings your team closer to their goal. Like water to a thirsty plant, this encouragement helps them grow, stay focused, and feel appreciated. It also reinforces that you understand how challenging it is to build new relationships.
Now, when they do bring in that new corporate partner, donor, or grant—then I suggest a big celebration… and maybe even cake!
Looking for help making new friends?Looking for creative ways to acknowledge your staff?Or maybe just a great cake recipe ?
Reach out today! We are Team Kat & Mouse—consultants committed to your success fundraising success