Nonprofit Courses for Fundraising
Focused on RESULTS
Online Nonprofit Management and Training Courses
Do you get bombarded with emails and other messages about nonprofit courses offered by large institutions? Most people in the fundraising profession are no stranger to these types of communications. Big, expensive courses at big, expensive universities offer you the chance to build up your skill set and put something great on your resume.
The problem? Except for those with exceptionally large professional development budgets, programs like these are out of reach for most fundraisers. Even though we all need to continually develop our skills and learn more about how to effectively fundraise, there is a mismatch between existing nonprofit courses and what we can afford.
Luckily, Team Kat & Mouse is here to help! Our team of seasoned, experienced fundraisers can walk you through the nuts and bolts of fundraising while helping you develop some of the areas where you may need to improve. We set ourselves apart from the courses at big universities and training offered by other organizations with our direct focus on you, your team, and your needs.
Nonprofit training courses built on a thorough understanding of your needs and goals
Your needs are unique, so why should your training come from a one-size-fits-all curriculum? We start the process by sitting down with you and figuring out what it is that you and your team really need to understand. Are you too dependent on events? Are you struggling with renewal rates? Are you having trouble breaking into your corporate community and winning support?
By understanding you we understand the type of course we need to put together for you. These engagements can last a few sessions or several months - we tailor our work to you, your goals, and the places where you need support.
Nonprofit classes from people who've been in the trenches
All of us at Team Kat & Mouse have spent years on staff at nonprofits doing the hard work of frontline fundraising. If you’re struggling with part of your job, we’ll be the first to tell you that we’ve been there too. We’ve experienced every struggle imaginable, and we’ll let you know what strategies we used to get over the hump and achieve our goals.
If one of us doesn’t have an answer for you, our collective has experience in marketing, PR, social media, and graphic design. There will always be someone around to walk you through a problem and help you come up with a solution.
Nonprofit classes for large and small groups
Other nonprofit courses work in a classroom setting and teach from an established curriculum, but we want to meet you in the real world. Whether you’re an individual looking to gain the skills to land a leadership position or a team leader hoping to make your staff more nimble and prepared to fundraise as conditions change, we’ll craft a plan that’s able to meet your individual needs.
Our approach to these courses is not limited to staff. Boards that need to learn about the fundraising process and enhance their fundraising abilities are always welcome to inquire and set up their own training.
The training focused on the results
Our nonprofit courses aren’t geared toward giving you a new entry on your resume. They are results-oriented, action-focused courses that will give you a roadmap to success. We’ll help you discover key performance indicators like your “closing ratio” that will lead to measurable fundraising results.
We want everyone we work with to walk away from our courses feeling like they have the tools they need to advance professionally and accomplish more at their organizations.
If you’re looking for nonprofit classes, courses for nonprofit organizations or nonprofit training customized to your needs, give us a call. We’re eager to be your partners in fundraising success.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who Are Non profit Training Courses For?
All who can benefit Including, but not Limited To: Managers, Fundraising Staff, Board Members, Volunteers, Programming Staff and more!
What Skills Do You Need To Be A Fundraiser?
Story telling, prospecting, ability to ask good questions (and listen to the answers), writing, record keeping, marketing and more!
Who Can Enroll in Nonprofit Courses?
As many of your team members who you think might benefit.
Are There Free Courses to Run a Nonprofit Organization?
Yes, but they are not customized to your needs.
Are Nonprofit Courses and Training Programs Offered Online or Face-to-Face?
Either or both!