Nonprofit Training Programs
Ongoing coaching for your fundraising team plus the Tactic and Tools to grow.
Your team, your custom-designed nonprofit fundraising training
Every organization has room to grow. Our non profit training courses will help you identify growth areas and work with you to move the needle. Then support the training with the Tactics and Tools needed to grow your organization's fundraising.
Nonprofit Organization Training
Fundraising training 101
What makes a great team?
Telling YOUR organization's story
What (and how much?) do you need to share?
Creating subject matter experts through nonprofit coaching
What’s the goal?
Phone call
In-person meeting
Getting the first gift
Renewing last year’s donors
Celebrating individual success with team motivation (and happy dance)
Building relationships that turn into donations
Building advocates, with board development training for nonprofits, not just a Board of Directors
Successful collaborations
Sales training for fundraisers, for your Fund Development team
What is the “VBR”?
Long term vs. short term goals + obsession goals
Learn sales math with sales training for nonprofits
Discovery - asking the right questions to define offering (VBR)
What makes for a strong CSR offering
How do we best engage and other strong probing questions?
Peer-to-peer fundraising training for nonprofits
Tapping into the young professional community
The myth of “closing”
Building an offering
Creating dynamic proposals
Follow-up and customer service
Presentation skills (don’t just turn the pages)
Why are time-sensitive offerings valuable
Mission match vs. creating movement in the mission
Leaving messages that get returned
When a deal is dead - some will, some won’t…so what’s next
Negotiating against yourself
Yes, no, or lessons learned
Planned Giving and Endowments
How to build a successful program
Who are your best prospects?
Short-term wins vs. long-term gains
What is the goal?
Net vs. gross
Defining what success is
Attendees - how to turn them into ongoing supporters?
Finding them
Preparing applications
On-going measurement
Winning the grant-now what?
How to Coach rather than Manage
Strategy vs. tactics
Share the goals
Getting useful input from your team
Are you looking for the right addition to your fundraising team?
Why use a recruitment company AND a nonprofit training consultant?
Team Kat & Mouse can help with both!
a. Develop candidate profile
b. Draft job description
c. Review compensation strategy
d. Job posting and identification of candidates
e. Initial resume review
f. Initial screenings
g. Present final candidates for your review
Then, Team Kat & Mouse will work with your new hire from onboarding and through their initial three months to create a successful addition or leader for your team.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Nonprofit Training and Why is it Important?
Having your team be ready to be successful is key. Would you go on a roadtrip to a new place without your GPS?
How Long Does Typical Nonprofit Training Last?
A single training usually last 1-hour. Continual training and coaching can last as long as needed.
How Can Organizations Benefit from Nonprofit Training Programs?
Who doesn’t want the best trained staff in town!
What are the Costs Associated with Nonprofit Training?
Each engagement is custom designed to meet your needs and budget.
Who are the Best Providers of Nonprofit Training?
Depending our your needs, Team Kat and Mouse could be just what you need!